If you've ever thought about owning your own business by becoming a Close To My Heart Consultant, now is the time! If you sign up during July you get to choose five fabulous products from our Favourite Five list for FREE—with no additional shipping/handling or tax added! This means you can get product worth up to nearly $125 for no charge, just for signing up in July! So, for your sign-up fee of just $115 you'll receive about $500 total retail in product! It's an incredible deal that will really jumpstart your business and your artwork!
You can check out the "Favourite Five" list at http://brandy.myctmh.com and click on the main picture.
Even better, you can add on to your New Consultant Kit one or both additional bonus packs! Designed to support those focused on scrapbooking, you get more than $225 in products for just $75. Designed to support those focused on cardmaking, you get a $185 value for just $65. Love them both, buy them both. CTMH lets you customize your kit!